Slice of Life - Anonymous Bullying

 Would you randomly go up to someone and said "You're ugly", "Go die", "You are trash", etc? No, right? Because your face is exposed? Then why would people hide behind the name of "anonymous" and bash other people online? 

Do you think it's harmless? No. Words cut deeper than knife. Words hurts, mentally haunts you. And your mind will keep replaying it over and over again. 

When someone suicides from cyber bullying, y'all can say "Be kind on the internet" and whatnot for few days, a week, a month. After that once again repeat the same cycle.

Like why y'all waste your energy write hate comments for? Just use that energy for something else? Watch what and who you want to watch. Talk to someone, Go touch some grass also. Too much negativity in your system will make you sick.

If not, if you feel angry, annoyed, jealous or anything negative, MEDITATE! Cleanse your mind and soul. We're staying home from Covid. SO just chill. 

Here's some meditation music that works for me:

Meditation 3

Meditation 2

Meditation 1
